pretty woman with digital tablet sitting in chair at home

Submission Guidelines

At Genji & Co. we keep our list small for a reason: our emphasis is on quality, not quantity, and we are always on the lookout for original thoughts, intelligent storytellers and dazzling new books. Check out our initial collection, and bear in mind that we are now opening up our list to submissions from new talent.

How to Submit

  • Address your email to “Your Story at Genji & Co.”
  • In the subject line, include the genre and the title.
  • In your email, include a short author bio (100 – 200 words) along with a 300-500 word synopsis. Please bear in mind that the synopsis must contain a full outline of the entire book you wish to submit. We don’t mind if you go over the word limit by up to 200 words as long as your synopsis contains the beginning, middle and end of the book. We can’t make any decisions without the full plot, so it is in your best interests to include a complete synopsis.
  • Next, attach the first five chapters or the first fifty pages of your book, and ensure that your manuscript is complete prior to submission.
  • Please note that if you wish to submit non-fiction, we require three sample chapters as well as a complete book proposal, which includes an outline of the thesis you intend to explore through your research, the research methods, and the overall outline of your book. The proposal must be as detailed as possible, and it should not exceed five pages in length. You must also tell us why you are uniquely qualified to write this book: professional and academic credentials must be included.
  • We accept only Word documents – please do not send PDFs.
  • Send your email to
  • Please do not send us hardcopy submissions. In the interests of remaining carbon neutral, we are a paperless company.
  • If you wish to submit articles or short stories to be featured in our Showcase, please abide by the following guidelines: articles must be between 750 and 1500 words in length. Your submission must not contain offensive or copyright-protected material unless this protected material is your own original work.
  • When you submit work to Genji & Co., you take full responsibility, legal and moral, for your work, and the act of submission constitutes a declaration that any work you submit is your own work.
  • Likewise, short stories should be between 15-20 A4 pages in length, and you assume all the responsibilities outlined above when you submit a piece of writing for our review – namely, by submitting your story, you are guaranteeing that it is your original work. We will not be held responsible for any violations of applicable copyright law.
  • Articles and short stories should also be submitted to
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